Noctis FFXV - UHD hair + dynamics
I needed a new chara to show off another huge project I've been working on for months, which is currently being Beta tested and clothed by other modders, and which will be available very very soon, can you guess what it is? :3
For now, please enjoy dynamic FFXV Noctis hair! <3
Maingame/ Charamaker / StudioNeo -ready
Original hairmesh: Noctis from Final Fantasy XV, intellectual property of Square Enix.
Custom K1TN mesh adjustments, handmade armature/bones/fk nodes.
Displayed video showcases Hanmen's V3.1 hair shader and body shader,
ALL face, body and clothing mods are K1T0-K1TN originals!
Please do NOT share this zipmod before it is publicly released!
Sharing cards or screenshots using these textures is a-okay and we would actually love to see your creations (feel free to tag!), but keep in mind that users who don't own these will get a missing mod-message.
Happy creating <3
Install with KKmanager or place file in /mymods.
You can find them in game under "Hair - back"
<3 K1TN
More of my mods: